Got perfection? Buh-bye

“Pretending to be perfect is the perfect way to not develop a relationship.” — Donald Miller, Scary Close

Full disclosure: I’m disinclined to short reads lately, so I haven’t yet read Scary Close, but I think I might. If nothing else, than for this quote.

I mean, with our culture’s obsession with perfection – at least, cosmetically speaking – could our world be headed in any direction other than away from building real relationships?

And who takes the time to actually stop and do that work?

The idea that the gap is widening between those who are willing to risk being honest and real and …. pure …. and those who won’t or can’t drop the act is a bit unsettling.

But it’s nothing we can’t change.

2 thoughts on “Got perfection? Buh-bye

  1. Soooo many thanks for another great start to the day.. THIS one rang a bell in such harmony with one that has been clanging and chiming for me as well.. It is truly in other peoples stories that we can feel the energy.. Another inspiration to be sure!!

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