Slow going

Up there with slow food lately is my interest in slow learning. As in, learning new things at my own, leisurely pace.

I’ve had a lot more time and flexibility in recent months for things like writing, meditating and – wait for it – learning to quilt.

The quilt that started it all. I've been obsessed ever since with modern quilting.

Hot Spot by Alissa Haight Carlton. The quilt that started it all. I’ve been obsessed ever since with modern quilting.

If you know me at all, you may need to pick up that jaw from the floor. Except for classes in Home Economics in, what, 7th grade? – now called Family and Consumer Science – I’ve really never made anything by hand in my life. Two semesters of pottery don’t count.

I have more gifted artist and craftsman friends than I can count, yet I’ve always assumed I couldn’t make much besides food, music or a little trouble on the dance floor.

Then again, until recently I’d never found a craft I wanted to learn. Enter modern quilting, my new inspiration.

Today, I was mostly offline, and it was great. I am nearly finished making my very first quilt (to be revealed later, probably on Instagram, after I’ve gifted it to my friend).

The idea of taking things slowly today gave me the time, permission and freedom I needed to get this project near the finish line. One more step and I’m done.

From what I hear, unfinished bindings mean Purgatory for most quilts. So getting over that hump the first time around feels like a pretty big deal.

Not only am I happy to finish it — I’m thrilled to pick up a new skill I can enjoy and share with others the rest of my life. It can be my new gift of choice — along with fruit cake.

6 thoughts on “Slow going

  1. I used to quilt – before I had shedding dogs who think they have to be up in the middle of everything! I still have a queen-size quilt that I will bind once I no longer have dogs. 🙂 (I have to spread out when I bind a quilt.)

    I’m so excited that you’ve found this pleasure. Quilting is a wonderful creative outlet. I have kept my first quilt, imperfections and all, to show me how far I’ve come.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. YOU have an artists soul that comes thru everything you write… the way yo described this process is wonderful..there’s a group of women who quilt ( INDIVIDUALLY)here in the little new England town where i live.. we brought all their work together, hung their quilts in a show once.. it was the best art i had ever seen… because the quilts are such a soulful art… they sang all the songs of the quilter’s hearts….. i wish that joy for you as well…. Bravissimo!

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